Weekly wins for the week of 2024 06 24

Work was…fine…this week. Lots of folks are out or about to be out and while there’s a moment to try to wrestle projects and processes into shape there are not a lot of people to do that with; preparing projects to to bowl along while they are out is more pressing. But with the girl and the lady out of the house I was productive with home projects. In the last week I’ve

  • sent a care package
  • taken care of a library fine by finding and returning the book
  • bought a copy of that same book, as a gift
  • set up garage shelves and populated them
  • moved the last of the boxes and tools from the neighbors’ garage
  • set up a greenhouse (shh, it’s a surprise)
  • reconnected with an old friend
  • thrilled a nephew with birthday gifts
  • installed missing trim on a piece of furniture
  • installed a door stop on the door to the cat litter box area
  • went to a baseball game
  • had the tires replaced on a car that sorely needed it
  • replaced wipers on that same car
  • replaced antenna garnish on that same car
  • washed a different car
  • given myself a haircut
  • put a hook on the back of the closet door
  • built a credible trashcan of an unusual size for a specific installation
  • found and replaced a furnace filter
  • epoxied together the house numbers and their holding shape
  • done some emergency laundry
  • kept all the plants and cats alive