I fell off the weekly wins wagon hard in November, then wrote just one earlier this month. Time to get back on.
- Social win – I saw a friend and past coworker who lives in town and it was lovely. I should reach out to more folks.
- Social win – the parents and mother-in-law were in town for the girl’s graduation, and brought their attendant challenges, but everything went just fine.
- Social win – a different friend and past coworker who lives all the way across the country and I have agreed to chat monthly. No reason not to!
- Lesson – plan, then check. When I’ve done just one or the other things have usually gone fine, but not always. This time a stainless steel part about 50mm square ($60 worth of material and cutting) was cut too large and is useless. Turns out it was my fault; all the other parts from the job are fine, I just missed double-checking the dimensions on the one piece. So I need to have that one redone. But the nice people at the fab have agreed to give my reorder special attention.
- Leadership – I was able to take a work maneuver, reasserting focus on the goal, and use it with our HVAC subcontractor. “There’s no explanation for water appearing there!” “Ah, but water is there, and got there somehow, so there is an explanation. I don’t care whose fault it is, I’d like to know how it got there and what we need to do to prevent it now that this has happened.”