It was a short week, and that brings danger that people will try to cram five weeks of meetings and activity into three. This happened, alas. Even so,
- Giving people the (exceptional) option to skip critique or 1:1 for this short week provided a little relief to folks chasing urgent projects, even though few took advantage. (Schedule relief for those who did, psychological relief for those who did not.)
- A plan came together (with coaching, but that’s fine) to distribute work among the team to keep things moving as people get into their suppertime time away from work. We’ll have a smaller crew than usual next week but everything that needs to move will keep moving.
- Is the team getting the messages I’m sending more consistently, that superficial aesthetic variation is not interesting but informational and interactive design exploration, aimed at well-expressed informational and interactive goals, is? Yes, mostly. Not everyone all the way, but yes, mostly.